Key Benefits
- The 20″ smooth coulter and gauge wheels may be adjusted for depth
- Gauge wheels are positioned close to the sweep for better depth control
- The low profile, flat shank & sweep design allows travel through the fields at top speeds
- Depth adjustments are made easily using the special 9400 adjustment tool
- The shank may be moved forward or back to improve soil flow
- The tall, narrow shank allows trash to flow by without plugging
Remlinger’s 9400 Cultivator builds the perfect seedbed. Patented, wrenchless adjustments make the 9400 the easiest cultivator on the market to adjust. Creates a bed with furrow bottoms that are firm and ridge shoulders that are uniform.
Optional ridging wings put the best soil up around the plants where it’s needed most. Wide variety of sweep shares available to cultivate in many different types of soil. Use one cultivator from beginning to lay-by.
Available Options
Equip your Remlinger 9400 Cultivator to fit your specifications.
Ridging Wings


Barring Off Disks